Hello hello,
For the first time since writing this blog I'm actually posting a band that I know hardly anything about.
The Format formed in 2002, hailing from Phoenix, Arizona. They have a sort of indie, punk and folky sound with lots of 1960's influences. They chose their name to make fun of "the format" that major record companies look for when deciding on the next major hit single of the month. Unfortunately,
the band decided to call it quits in 2008 after just two albums.
I had not even heard of these guys until I saw the movie "Moving McAlister" (which I highly, highly recommend-it's even on Netflix). I immediately searched for the movie's soundtrack online and found out this was one of the song's I had loved. The Format wrote this song specifically for this movie, as you will find it's not on any of their studio albums. The song is called Swans and I think you'll dig it. Enjoy.
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